Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Story of the death of Len

I am reading the words of the three women I love the most. I am touched and proud to call theses women my friends. I know I now need to share, but just like me, I my mind comes up blank! Now that it is crunch time how do I get the words in my head on to the screen and what could I talk about that anyone would want to read.

After much thought I have decided to tell the story of Lens death. Some might be shocked by this story line. But there is so much in this story that is familiar to all of us. It will take me time to tell it all and it will be very emotional at time (I am tearing up as I write this) but there are some over the top, laugh your head of moments. Moments, that if the people in my life had not actually witnessed, you might think it was made up. To my friends and family it is not my intention to hurt anyone feelings or to misinterpret the events. I am going to try to be as honest as possible (as I remember them) and the feelings I write are mine alone.

My hope is when you read this story you..... I really don't know at this time what I want you to get from it. I just have this very deep desire to tell it.


  1. I am ready to take this jouney with you and I will be there to listen and anything else that you may need.

  2. That was very well almost beautiful if you can say it like that. The way I remember it is very much like you. I love you
