Thursday, April 9, 2009


Well I made my decision. I told the teenager yesterday that I would NOT buy her alcohol for the party. She seemed to take it fine, probably new I would say no. She did put up a little argument, saying but I have let her drink in the past. Again I tried to explain there is a difference between a glass of wine at a family dinner and a mickey for a bush party. I guess if they are going to drink, there going to drink. But that doesn't mean I have to make it easier for her.

Mind you it would of been nice for just a few moments to be the "Cool Mom" for a change. O well I'll take some pleasure that at least she is still talking to me, sorta, kinda. Its been a rough year between her and I so far but through immense prayer hopefully we will get through it and be strong in the end.

Lucky me just as one ends the teenage years the other will just be starting!


  1. I think you made a good decision .... i am not yet a parent but i think if i were i would do the same as you did. Yes she is going to drink if she wants to .. she will find a way but at least if she gets in caught or in trouble you will not have the quilt of being the supplier ....LOL

  2. Smart move!You did right.
    Will Mr.Toss His Cookies be at the bush party???????

  3. You definetly did the right thing!!!!
    Look at it this way, Right is right and wrong is wrong.......
    Buying kids booze is wrong, wrong, wrong. Think of the message that sends to her!!! Don't think for a minute she's going to think your any cooler just because you buy her booze....I remember when I was a kid my dad chased me all over Toronto looking for me because he found beer in my gym bag..........I can't tell you the fear I had that night!!!! When I finally went home....filled with fear and my Aunt right behind me, I realized he was worried sick!!!! I'll never forget that. He knew what awful things could happen when your drunk. You would never want to be responsible for that. You love her too much.
    Believe me, one day she'll respect you so much for it!!!!!!!!

  4. Dear Mom,
    If you would like a "Cool Mom" as you say, please realize that if you intend to protect me on this issue, buying me some sort of alcohol that is approptiate in amount and percentage would be much safer than me going to get my own ^_^
    Love you

  5. Dear TeenMonster, Just what what kinda alcohol is appropriate for a 17 year old minor??? And what did all your friends parents buy them?
