Monday, June 21, 2010

Bench Talk: Yard Work

Today is the first day of summer. It's the longest day of the year, the summer solstice! By now everyone's yard should be up and running. Flowers are in bloom and shrubs have grown and veggies are getting plump. It takes a lot of work to keep the yard in shape. Please share your best advice for yardwork.
(Sunshine) I have finally purchased a reel lawn mower (manual lawn mower). I have wanted one for years but Mr Sunshine prefers the electric mowers. Well yesterday, I woke up and mowed the lawn front and back. It was early so because there is no motor is is quiet enough to use anytime of day, weekends included. It is light weight and even the kids can help out without the danger of getting hurt. I mowed the lawn, picked some weeds, watered the plants and the grass and then vacuumed the pool. The entire process took about two and a half hours. When everything was finished, I looked around and things looked pretty good. Then I went inside and started cooking as my family was due to arrive in about half an hour for a Father's Day Celebration. Happy Father's Day to all of the fathers out there.

When I look around the yard there is still so much more that needs to be done. The trees all need to be pruned, the peach tree needs to be sprayed as it has leaf curl, weeds need to be picked and patio furniture needs to be painted once again. I could probably work out there everyday for hours and hours and there would still be work to be done. Good thing I enjoy the outdoors. My only tip would be, do what really needs to be done first as looking at the full picture can be very overwhelming. That tip is a good one and one which I finally learned a few years ago. I used to try to get the entire yard done in one day and couldn't and would get frustrated. I know pick one spot and work on it. It is more satisfying and enjoyable. I usually pick an evening and wander the yard with a trug and clippers and deadhead. I will pick a day after a rainfall to weed. I will prune one shrub at a time. I will now step back and enjoy the before and after with my ever present cup of tea! Now, that's gardening!

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