Wednesday, May 25, 2011

38 Minutes Today

I'm feeling much better today. I'm not paying attention to my weight this week. I did get an extra hour of sleep last night so I do feel more rested today. I still managed to nap around 2pm today for about an hour. I made myself get up right afterward and was surprised that I felt good, not draggy.
I ate well today in that my portions were cut way down. I was hungry so every time I felt a hunger pang I drank a glass of water. Mind over matter!

I'm still not ready for a lot of jumping up and down so upon my arrival downstairs I challenged myself with all of the balance and agility games. I tried golf for the first time and actually enjoyed it. The Wii evaluates my swing. I hit two buckets of balls on the driving range and was surprised at how hard it was. I always tease Hubby that golf is an excuse for exercise! I take it back! Hubby came down and tried the driving range when I told him about it and he said it was pretty good!
Before I knew it 38 minutes had passed.

Looking forward to aerobics tomorrow!

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